JAVA SELENIUM Training Tiwary
Last Update May 1, 2024
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About This Course


Selenium with Java Training course designed to teach the basics of the WebDriver API using Java. This course also covers webdriver Interface explanation and Invoking Browser, Identifying locators(id, name,linkText) with developer tools -1, Techniques to automate Ajax calls, Child Windows and IFrames, Difference between HashMap and HashTable, Writing Generic functions to Identify Frames/Windows. Selenium with Java training from Ducat can help your career reach another success ladder. The training
consists of full hand on sessions such as how can automation of web-based applications and implementation will help in frameworks such as Hybrid and Data-driven that can help you in the future.

Introduction to Java

  • Introduction to Java Programming Language,
  • Uses of Java language, Java Syntax Rules & Coding Standards,
  • Java Environment Setup, Write & Execute first Java Program,
  • And Write Java Programs using Eclipse IDE

Java Programming for Selenium

  • Overview of Java Programming, Java Modifiers, Data Types,
  • Variables, Operators, Flow Control, Arrays, String Handling,
  • File Handling, Exception Handling, and Methods.
  • Java OOPS: Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, and Encapsulation.

Java Program Structure and Syntax

  • Java Programming Structure, Writing Comments,
  • Declaring Methods, Declaring Variables,
  • Declaring Constants, Print Statements, usage of Operators,
  • Writing Conditional Statements, Writing Loop Statements, and Calling methods

Java Conditional and Loop Statements

  • Java Conditional and Loop Statements, explain Types of Conditional
  • statements in Java,
  • Types of Conditions and usage of conditional statements.
  • If statement and switch statements in Java with examples Java loop structures, for loop, while loop, do while loop and enhanced for
  • loop with examples.

Strings and Arrays in Java

  • Strings and Arrays in Java explains String handling in Java,
  • Creating Strings, String Concatenation, and String Comparison.
  • Array declaration, types of Arrays, print Array, copy Array,
  • Array methods and Advantages & Disadvantages of Arrays.

Input Output Operations and File Handling

Input and Output operations and File handling in Java,

Explains reading different types of input and displaying output on the console.

Collections Framework

  • Introductions of Collections
  • Types of collections
  • Generic -List, Dictionary, Stack, and Queue
  • Non-Generic- ArrayList, HashTable, Stack, and Queue
  • Introduction of Hash Map & Hash key
  • Introduction of set


Introduction of Selenium:

  • What is Automation Testing
  • Use of automation Testing
  • Tools for Automation Testing
  • Why is automation essential for your career?
  • What is Selenium?
  • Advantage of Selenium.
  • History of Selenium.
  • Component of Selenium.
  • The architecture of Remote Control.
  • The architecture of WebDriverArchitecture of GRID.
  • Differences between APIs Vs GUI.Selenium IDE:
  • Set up Eclipse:
  • WebDriver:
  • Browser & Navigation Commands:
  • Locators:
  • Element Identification:
  • Tables, Checkboxes & Radio buttons:
  • Selenium Waits, Alert & Switch Windows:
  • Action Class:
  • TestNG Framework:
  • Cucumber :
  • Log4j Logging:
  • Database Connections:
  • Automation Framework:
  • Maven:
  • Jenkins:
  • GitHub
  • Automation Test Script Development (Project Based)
  • Interview Preparation :
  • Selenium IDE Introduction
  • Record and Playback with Firefox and Chrome
  • Debugging in Selenium IDE Script
  • Introduction Katalone Studio
  • Record and Playback through Katalone Studio
  • Download and install java
  • Download and start Eclipse
  • Download and configure the WebDriver java client
  • Set up a project
  • Create packages
  • Create a First Java test case
  • Import WebDriver Source file
  • WebDriver Interface
  • WebElement Interface
  • Launching Firefox browser
  • How to Open a URL
  • Verify Page title
  • Strategy to get the Page Source
  • Difference between Close & Quit
  • Ways to Navigate Back & Forward
  • How to Refresh PageAnother way of Navigating to a specific Page
  • What are locators?
  • HTML Basics.
  • HTML language tags and attributes.
  • ID, Name, Xpath, CSS etc.
  • Difference between Absolute & Complete Xpath.
  • Finding your first element.
  • WebElement Commands.
  • Finding the Href & Src broken link
  • Define the manually static Xpat
  • Element Inspector in Mozilla, Chrome, and IE
  • Element locator tool for Firefox Locator
  • Firebug&Fire Path Add-Ons in Mozilla
  • Various HTML locator strategies
  • XPath Helper Plug-in for Chrome
  • Selection of Effective Xpath
  • Handling Dynamic objects/ids on the page
  • Identify table rows and columns
  • Extracting values from a cell
  • Dynamically Identify Tables Data
  • Select class in Selenium
  • Drop Down Handle.Select multiple values from the list
  • Select & Deselect operations by Index, Value & Visible Text.
  • Implicit and Explicit waits
  • How to use Expected Conditions with Waits
  • PageLoadTimeout & SetScriptTimeout property
  • Simple use of Thread Sleep
  • Concept of Fluent Wait in Selenium
  • WebDriverWait and its uses
  • Different WaitUntil Conditions
  • Ways to handle Simple, Confirmation & Prompt Alert
  • Concepts of Set Interface in Java
  • Difference between Window Handle & Handles
  • Switching & Closing Windows, Tabs & Popups
  • Concept of window ID
  • Extracting window IDs with a Selenium Object reference
  • JavaScriptExecutor Interface
  • Captured Screenshot
  • Cookies Handles
  • What is Action Class & What can we do with Action Class
  • Mouse Hover & Mouse Movement with Action
  • Finding Coordinates of a Web Object
  • Drag and Drop Action
  • What is TestNG
  • Benefits and Features of TestNG
  • How to download TestN
  • Annotations in TestNG
  • How to run Test Suite in TestNG
  • Groups in TestNG
  • Depending on TestNG
  • Test Case sequencing in TestNG
  • TestNG Asserts
  • TestNG Parameters
  • Multi-Browser testing in TestNG
  • Parallel testing in TestNG
  • Extent Report API
  • Introduction Cucumber
  • Using Cucumber
  • Gherkins Language
  • Creation of feature files and Step Definition
  • Introduction TDD and BDD
  • TDD Vs BDD
  • Version Control (GitHub Introduction)
  • Log4j Introduction
  • Download Log4J
  • Add Log4j Jar
  • Test Case with Log4j
  • Log4j Log Manager
  • Log4j Appenders
  • Log4j Loggers
  • Database connection
  • Database Testing in Selenium using MySql Server
  • What is Automation Framework
  • Features of Automation Framework
  • Benefits of using Automation Framework
  • Different types of Automation Framework
  • What is Data Driven Framework
  • What is Modular Driven Framework
  • What is Keyword Driven Framework
  • Apache POI API
  • POI Setup and Configuration
  • Read and Write Excel file with Apache POI
  • POM (Page Object Model)
  • Page Factory
  • Maven Introduction
  • Install Maven in Eclipse IDE
  • Install Maven on Windows
  • Install Maven on Mac
  • How to Create a New Maven Project
  • How to Create a New Maven Project in Eclipse
  • Configuration of POM & set multiple builds
  • Jenkins Introduction.
  • Selenium Integration with Jenkins.
  • Installation & configuration of complete Jenkins setup.
  • Scheduling of Maven builds & set multiple builds in Jenkins.
  • Overview of integration between Jenkins & GitHub.
  • Overview of integration between Jenkins & AWS.
  • Overview of integration between Jenkins & Azure.
  • Schedule activate & deactivate of builds.
  • Analyze the complete console logs.
  • Introduction of GitHub and Selenium integration.
  • Installation of git binaries
  • Github set up in Eclipse IDEBuilding repository on git
  • Test prepare in selenium using Github
  • Analyzing Manual Test Script
  • Automation Test Script Development Strategy
  • Development Test Script according to manual script
  • Technical Interview Preparation
  • Mock interview Preparation
  • HR Session
  • Project implementation

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