Software Quality Testing Institute in Delhi

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Software Quality Testing Institute in Delhi This process indicates the proper functioning of software functions which is programmed for business growth and development. Software testing is an act of examining and checking the performance of software as well as the behavior of the software under several tests by validation and verification to indulge with a wide range of software functions. Software quality testing Institute in Delhi provides various benefits in relation to business and organizations like objectives, benefits, and independent view of software functions. This process concludes a set of processes in which users are going to learn better testing experience to make the software much smoother and function to the organizations.

What is software testing?

Software quality is the practice of monitoring all software processes, functions, and methods which are specially designed for business purposes and operations. This testing process ensures different activities, methods, and techniques are used in a particular project and event to provide better functioning and conformance against estimated standards. Software quality testing is diversified to step in a shoe of testers to provide a better working infrastructure for organizations.

What is software quality?

Software quality is a kind of practice or study which describes the accurate functions of software products to ensure proper functioning. Basically, there are two approaches included under software quality which are;
Defect management checks accurate forecasting of defects in software quality that can arise from the side of management, and ensures the standards that can reduce negative aspects of software qualities.
Software Quality Testing Institute in Delhi This study provides accurate quality parameters for software testing where users can check the working parameters of software approaches that help in comparing the actual result with a standardized process.

Types of Software Testing

There are numerous types of software testing included that provide accurate results with their working segments and focus on several techniques and methods to help in implementing coding and programs. Now, we would be moving forward to discuss several types of software testing for better functioning and methodologies.

Unit Test, this type of software testing particularly focuses on each unit, component, and element to make smooth functioning. Although, this software is much cheaper and quite easy to use for organizational benefits.

Integration Test, this testing tool ensures that different modules and services are working together without affecting the businesses.

Functional Testing, this type of testing is mainly related to business operations and works on multiple products and services to get indulged with benefits and attributes for the business cycle.

End-to-end test, this testing approach is directly related to individuals’ interfacing surface that provides a better work experience of web pages for great results.

What you’ll be learning at Software Quality Testing Institute in Delhi

  • The course covers all basic and advanced parameters of quality testing that create several aspects of quality assurance.
  • The course teaches API, MERN stack, selenium web driver, JIRA, JS programming, and other programming cultures.
  • The students are going to explore their learning with different types of software quality testing for managing and performing quality control.
  • The students will be learning how to find bugs, errors, defects, and testing strategies or execution for a better working experience.
  • Learn basic to an advanced automation system that helps in identifying several factors about key strategies of the automation system.
  • Students are going to improvise essential skills and qualities with respect to different automation systems.

Types of Software Testing Course

Software Quality Testing Institute in Delhi | There are two types of software testing which are as follows:

1. Manual Testing: Manual testing is the procedure of testing the software by hand to learn more about it, to find what is and is not working.
2. Automation Testing: Automation testing is the process of testing the software using an automation tool to find the defects. In this process, testers execute the
test scripts and generate the test results automatically by using automation tools.

Introduction to Software Application and Fundamentals of Testing

Best Software Quality Testing Institute in Delhi

  • Overview of Software Application Testing
  • Why is testing necessary
  • Software testing Principles
  • Psychology of software testing
  • Causes of Software Defects
  • Terms used in Software Testing [Defect, Error, Bug, Failure, etc..]
  • Overview of SDLC [Software Development Life Cycle]
  • Overview of Project Execution Lifecycle
  • Overview of Project Lifecycle

Models of Software Engineering

  • Waterfall Model
  • Prototype model
  • Spiral Model
  • Incremental Model
  • Iterative Model
  • RAD (Rapid Application Development)
  • V Model
  • Agile Model
  • Quality Management System
What is Quality Management System and It’s its need
  • What is Quality Assurance
  • What is Quality Control
  • A review process and Types of Review Process
  • Different Roles and Responsibilities of reviewers
  • Walkthrough
  • Inspection
  • Code Review
  • Peer Review
  • Verification Vs Validation
  • Static & Dynamic Testing Techniques
  • Quality StandardCMM, ISO, 6Sigma

Software Testing methodology

  • White Box
  • Black Box
  • Grey Box

Levels of Software Testing

  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • System testing
  • UAT

Testing Types/Approaches

  • Smoke Testing
  • Sanity Testing
  • Re-Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Ad-hoc and Exploratory testing
  • Monkey & Gorilla Testing
  • Alpha Testing
  • Beta Testing
  • Validation Testing
  • Web Application Testing
  • Accessibility Testing
  • Recovery Testing
  • System Compatibility
  • Browser Compatibility Testing
  • Cross Browser Testing
  • Multiple Browser Testing
  • Forward and backward compatibility
  • Performance Testing
  • Load Testing
  • Stress Testing
  • Volume Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • Accessibility testing
  • Security Testing
  • Multilingual testing

Introduction of different Test Estimation techniques and Reporting

  • Techniques
  • Test plans estimates and strategies
  • Different test approaches
  • Test progress, monitoring, and control
  • Configuration management
  • Risk and Testing
  • Identifying test conditions and designing test cases
  • Categories test design techniques
  • Specification-based or black-box techniques
  • BVA
  • EXP
  • Decision table testing
  • State transition testing
  • Orthogonal array
  • Structure-based or white-box testing techniques
  • Cyclomatic complexity
  • Basis path testing
  • CFG
  • Statement coverage
  • Branch coverage
  • Path coverage
  • Experience-based techniques
  • Risk-based Testing
  • Choosing a test techniques
  • Bug/defect lifecycle
  • Defect Severity & Priority
Agile Methodology
  • Introduction to Agile Methodology &Agile Manifesto
  • Overview of Different Agile methods
  • When to Use Scrum vs. When to Use Traditional Methods
  • Scrum Process
  • Scrum Roles
  • Scrum Team
  • Time-Box Concept
  • Event 1: The Sprint
  • Event 2: Sprint Planning
  • Event 3: Daily Scrum
  • Event 4: Sprint Review
  • Event 5: Sprint Retrospective
  • Product Backlog Grooming
  • Scrum Artifacts
  • Artifact 1: Product Backlog
  • Artifact 2: Sprint Backlog
  • Artifact 3: Increment
  • Artifact 4: Definition of “Done”
  • Artifact 5: Monitoring Progress toward a Goal
  • Artifact 6: Monitoring Sprint Progress
  • Agile Tracking, Scrum Meetings,s and Daily Stand-ups
  • Product Backlog Grooming
Agile Test Management and Bug tracking/Reporting with JIRA
  • Introduction to the Jira tool
  • What is an Issue?
  • What is a Project?
  • What is a Workflow
  • Exploring the JIRA workspace
  • Managing your user profile
  • Navigating JIRA
  • Creating an Issue
  • Viewing Issues
  • Editing Issues
  • Transitions a Screens
  • The Workflow Viewer
  • Collaboration
  • Search
  • Detail View
  • Configuring Filters
  • Email Filter Results
  • Standard & Custom Reports
Database Testing Introduction
  • What is a Database Application?
  • Overview of database structure
  • Introduction about different database types
  • Understanding data storage
  • Back end & front end Testing
  • General Database Basics
  • Essential elements needed for database testing
  • writing test plan for database testing
  • Organizing DB Testing approach
  • writing test cases for database testing
Basic SQL
  • Why should Test professionals know Structured Query Language?
  • Writing the statement in SQL Plus
  • Overview of DML, DDL, TCL, DCL
  • DML: Insert, Update, Delete, merge
  • DDL: Create, Drop, Alter, Rename, Modify, Truncate
  • TCL: Commit, Rollback, SavePoint
SQL Functions:
  • Single Row Function / Multiple Row Function
  • String Function, Number Function, Date and Time Function, GeneralFunction
Joining Tables
  • Obtaining data from multiple tables
  • Types of joins: Inner joins, Non-Equi Join, Natural Join, Right outer join, Full outer Join
Operators: (data using Group Function)
  • Arithmetic Operator
  • Relational/Logical
  • Like Operator

Constraints & View

  • Not Nul
  • Unique
  • Primary key
Aggregating data using group functions
Overview and concept Sub queries
  • Single Row subqueries
  • Multiple-row Sub queries


Introduction to Java

  • Introduction to Java Programming Language,
  • Uses of Java language, Java Syntax Rules & Coding Standards,
  • Java Environment Setup, Write & Execute first Java Program,
  • And Write Java Programs using Eclipse IDE

Java Programming for Selenium

  • Overview of Java Programming, Java Modifiers, Data Types,
  • Variables, Operators, Flow Control, Arrays, String Handling,
  • File Handling, Exception Handling, and Methods.
  • Java OOPS: Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, and Encapsulation.

Java Program Structure and Syntax

  • Java Programming Structure, Writing Comments,
  • Declaring Methods, Declaring Variables,
  • Declaring Constants, Print Statements, usage of Operators,
  • Writing Conditional Statements, Writing Loop Statements, and Calling methods

Java Conditional and Loop Statements

  • Java Conditional and Loop Statements, explain Types of Conditional
  • statements in Java,
  • Types of Conditions and usage of conditional statements.
  • If statement and switch statements in Java with examples.
  • Java loop structures, for loop, while loop, do while loop and enhanced for
  • loop with examples.

Strings and Arrays in Java

  • Strings and Arrays in Java explains String handling in Java,
  • Creating Strings, String Concatenation, and String Comparison.
  • Array declaration, types of Arrays, print Array, copy Array,
  • Array methods and Advantages & Disadvantages of Arrays.
Input Output Operations and File Handling
  • Input and Output operations and File handling in Java,
  • Explains reading different types of input and displaying output on the console.
Collections Framework
  • Introductions of Collections
  • Types of collections
  • Generic -List, Dictionary, Stack, and Queue
  • Non-Generic- ArrayList, HashTable, Stack, and Queue


Introduction of Selenium:
  • What is Automation Testing
  • Use of automation Testing
  • Tools for Automation Testing
  • Why automation is important for your career?
  • What is Selenium?
  • Advantage of Selenium.
  • History of Selenium.
  • Component of Selenium.
  • The architecture of Remote Control.
  • The architecture of WebDriver.
  • The architecture of GRID.
  • Differences between APIs Vs GUI’s.

Selenium IDE:

  • Selenium IDE Introduction
  • Record and Playback with Firefox and Chrome
  • Debugging in Selenium IDE Script
  • Introduction Katalone Studio
  • Record and Playback through Katalone Studio

Set up Eclipse:

  • Download and install java
  • Download and start Eclipse
  • Download and configure the WebDriver java client
  • Set up a project
  • Create packages
  • Create a First Java test case
  • Import WebDriver Source file
  • WebDriver Interface
  • WebElement Interface
  • Launching Firefox browser
Browser & Navigation Commands:
  • How to Open a URL
  • Verify Page title
  • Strategy to get the Page Source
  • Difference between Close & Quit
  • Ways to Navigate Back & Forward
  • How to Refresh Page
  • Another way of Navigating to a specific Page
  • What are locators?
  • HTML Basics.
  • HTML language tags and attributes.
  • ID, Name, Xpath, CSS, etc.
  • Difference between Absolute & Complete Xpath.
  • Finding your first element.
  • WebElement Commands.
Element Identification:
  • Element Inspector in Mozilla, Chrome, and IE
  • Element locator tool for Firefox Locator
  • Firebug&Fire Path Add-Ons in Mozilla
  • Various HTML locator strategies
  • XPath Helper Plug-in for Chrome
  • Selection of Effective Xpath
  • Handling Dynamic objects/ids on the page
Tables, Checkboxes & Radio buttons:
  • Identify table rows and columns
  • Extracting values from a cell
  • Dynamically Identify Tables Data
  • Select a class in Selenium
  • Drop Down Handle.
  • Select multiple values from the list
  • Select & Deselect operations by Index, Value & Visible Text.
Selenium Waits, Alert & Switch Windows:
  • Implicit and Explicit waits
  • How to use Expected Conditions with Waits
  • PageLoadTimeout & SetScriptTimeout property
  • Simple use of Thread Sleep
  • Concept of Fluent Wait in Selenium
  • WebDriverWait and its uses
  • Different WaitUntil Conditions
  • Ways to handle Simple, Confirmation & Prompt
  • AlertConcepts of Set Interface in Java
  • Difference between Window Handle & Handles
  • Switching & Closing Windows, Tabs & Popup’s
  • Concept of window ID
  • Extracting window IDs with a Selenium Object reference
  • JavaScriptExecutor Interface
  • Captured Screenshot
  • Cookies Handles


Action Class:
  • What is Action Class & What can we do with Action Class
  • Mouse Hover & Mouse Movement with Action
  • Finding Coordinates of a Web Object
  • Drag and Drop Action
TestNG Framework:
  • What is TestNG
  • Benefits and Features of TestNG
  • How to download TestNG
  • Annotations in TestNG
  • How to run Test Suite in TestNG
  • Groups in TestNG
  • Depend on in TestNG
  • Test Case sequencing in TestNG
  • TestNG Asserts
  • TestNG Parameters
  • Multi-Browser testing in TestNG
  • Parallel testing in TestNG
  • Extent Report API
Cucumber :
  • Introduction Cucumber
  • Using Cucumber
  • Gherkins Language
  • Creation of feature files and Step Definition
  • Introduction TDD and BDD
  • TDD Vs BDD
  • Version Control (GitHub Introduction)
Log4j Logging:
  • Log4j Introduction
  • Download Log4J
  • Add Log4j Jar
  • Test Case with Log4j
  • Log4j Log Manager
  • Log4j Appenders
  • Log4j Loggers
Database Connections:

Database connection

Database Testing in Selenium using MySql Server

Automation Framework:

What is Automation Framework
Features of Automation Framework
Benefits of using Automation Framework
Different types of Automation Frameworks
What is Data Driven Framework
What is Modular Driven Framework
What is Keyword Driven Framework
Apache POI API
POI Setup and Configuration
Read and Write Excel files with Apache POI
POM (Page Object Model)
Page Factory

Maven Introduction
Install Maven in Eclipse IDE
Install Maven on Windows
Install Maven on Mac
How to Create a New Maven Project
How to Create a New Maven Project in Eclipse
Configuration of POM & set multiple builds

Jenkins Introduction.
Installation & configuration of complete Jenkins setup.
Scheduling of Maven builds & set multiple builds in Jenkins.
Overview of integration between Jenkins & GitHub.
Overview of integration between Jenkins & AWS.
Selenium Integration with Jenkins.


Introduction of GitHub and Selenium integration.
Installation of git binaries
GitHub set up in Eclipse IDE
Building repository on git
Test prepare in selenium using Github

Automation Test Script Development (Project Based)

Analyzing Manual Test Script
Automation Test Script Development Strategy
Development Test Script according to manual script

Interview Preparation :

Technical Interview Preparation
Mock interview Preparation
HR Session
Project implementation

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Software Quality Testing Institute in Delhi


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