
Different skills which are evaluated by the IELTS test?


Different skills which are evaluated by the IELTS test?

Different skills which are evaluated by the IELTS test?

IELTS are of two types:-

1. Academic

2. General Training

Listening and Speaking are quite the same for both tests. Reading and Writing subject matter changes as per the test you adopt. In less than three hours the capabilities of the candidate are assessed in Listening, Writing, Speaking and Reading. The three sections i.e. Listening, Reading and Writing are carried away on the same day continuously without any break in any section. For speaking part the examination center prescribes the time which can be weak before or after the previous test.

Procedure IELTS exam

The IELTS speaking test is conducted between a candidate and an examiner. The examiner manages the test and simultaneously evaluates the candidate. The test is divided into three parts of four minutes each. The first and second part consists of script whereas the third part consists of a series of questions.

First part

In the first part, the examiner reads a script containing very simple, familiar questions on a day to day topics. The topics can be related to the candidate’s work, study, residence, friends, food, hobby, festivals, sports, schools, public transport, tourist places, etc.

Second part

The second part consists of a topic that is provided by the examiner on a card and the candidate has to speak on the topic for two minutes. The candidate is granted one minute to prepare notes on the topic before speaking. The candidate is supposed to share personal experiences on the topic. This is followed by a quick question round where the candidate has to place a precise answer. This will lead candidate entry into the third party.

Third part

In part third, the subject or topic provided in part two is elaborately discussed between the candidate and examiner. The candidate can be asked to justify position, opinion, prediction, and preference, etc. the examiner asks many questions related to a candidate answer. Part three is more like a normal conversation than examination.


Speaker’s performance is evaluated by the way he describes the topics placed before him. His confidence matters a lot while answering and describing the topics. Here are some important points on which the examiner focuses on the candidate

while taking the exam.

1. Fluency

The continuous speed the candidate maintains while describing topics matters a lot for an examiner. Pauses or grumbling leads to negative evaluation.

2. Coherence

The strategically connecting the ideas together is an important part of describing the topics. The incoherence of the discussion leads to negative evaluation.

3. Lexical source

The part deals with how smartly the candidate uses words or vocabulary while describing the topics. Also, the rules of language followed by the candidate are taken into consideration. This measures the communicative function and social meaning of speech.

4. Grammar

The examiner focuses on the grammatical accuracy of the candidate. If while describing any topic the candidate doesn’t keep in mind the proper use of grammar i.e. sentences, idioms, phrases, and verb, etc. negative evaluation of his/her skills will be taken into account.

5. Pronunciation

In the right way pronouncing the communicative language is of utmost importance.The speaker is expected to produce the phonological features of the speech.


a. Answer as per the requirement of the question. If the question needs a short answer then give a short one and if the question needs an elaborative i.e. lengthy answer then give accordingly.

b. Focus on every aspect of the exam from the very beginning i.e. part 1 as the evaluation starts from the very beginning. The practice of speaking English should be made well before the examination as among friends, teacher or in group discussions.

c. Candidate can write their own questions to answer, Interview one another, perform mini-presentation. Candidate should enhance their vocabulary, learn idioms, phrases, etc. to use in the exam.

d. Candidate should not answers which are repetitive, off-topic or lacking structure.

Listening: – Test format

Time: – 30 Minutes

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