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Learn SAS, R, and Python with InteliGenes Classroom and Online SAS + R + Python Training And Certification Courses In Delhi.
Analytics is the most demanding career and SAS is the most widely used tool. With this, we combine the power of Data Science with R and Machine Learning on Python for an evolving volatile market.SAS helps you in the entry while R & Python helps you grow adapt and evolve successfully.
Who Should Attend
- Engineering and IT Students – BTech / BE, BCA, MCA, BSc-IT, MSc-IT
- Commerce & Finance Students – BCom / MCom, Economics Graduates, MBA or BBA
- Highly recommended for people aspiring for jobs that require data handling – Research, Marketing, IT Services, Big Data & more
- People who are already employed, but want to upskill themselves in the domain of Analytics
- As a prerequisite, it’s just your passion for data and hard work that is the only requirement, the rest is just a cakewalk.
Course Outcome
- Understanding of basic concepts and types of data
- Understanding of sampling techniques
- Data Science and Machine Learning concepts with application
- Understanding of frequency distributions and measures of central tendency, dispersion and shape
- In-Depth Knowledge of the Hypothesis testing T-Test ANOVA
- In-depth knowledge of Correlation and Regression
- In-depth Knowledge of Predictive modeling using Logistic Regression
- Two live projects which are full hands-on real-time industrial data
Basic Concepts
- Introduction to SAS tool
- SAS Libraries /Temporary Library/ Permanent Library
- Creating Libraries
- Start with a Basic SAS programs
- Data Step / Proc Step / Statements/ Global statements
- Variables / Datatypes / properties of Variables
Access Data
- INFILE statement options to read raw data files
- Creating a file refrence with filename statement
- DATALINES statement with an INPUT statement
Starting With Raw Data(Basics)
- Styles of Input
- Reading Unaligned Data / Understanding List Input
- Understanding Column Input / Reading Data Aligned in Columns
Formats and Informatics
- Standard Data/Non-Standard Data
- How Informatics and Format works
- Working with Date/Time/DateTime informal
- How and when to use Yearcutoff
Starting With Raw Data( Beyond Basics)
- Formatted Input style
- Using Modifiers
Mixing Styles of Input
- Testing a Condition before Creating an Observation
- Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record
- Reading Multiple Records to Create a Single Observation
PDV: How the DATA Step Works
- Writing Basic Data Step
- How SAS Processes Programs
- Compilation phase
- Execution Phase
- Debugging a Data Step
- Testing SAS Programs
Manipulating SAS Datasets
- Creating & Modifying Variables
- Assigning Values Conditionally
- Specifying Lengths for Variables
- Subsetting Data
- Assigning Permanent Labels and Formats
Grouping Statements Using DO Groups
- Assigning Values Conditionally Using SELECT Groups
- Reading a Single Data Set
- Manipulating Data
- Using BY-Group Processing
- Reading Observations Using Direct Access (Point= option)
- Detecting the End of a Data Set(end= option)
- Understanding How Data Sets Are Read through PDV
- Renaming Variables
- Selecting Variables
Combining SAS Data Sets
- One-to-One Reading
- Concatenating
- Interleaving
- Match-Merging
- Match-Merge Processing
- Excluding Unmatched Observations
Transforming Data with SAS Functions
- General Form of SAS Functions
- Converting Data with Functions
- Restriction for WHERE Expressions
- Manipulating SAS Date Values with Functions
- SAS Date and Time Values
- SAS Date Functions
- Modifying Character Values with Functions
- Modifying Numeric Values with Functions
- Nesting SAS Functions
Relevant base SAS procedures
- Append procedure
- Sort procedure
- Datasets procedure
- Print to procedure
- Format procedure
- Transpose procedure
- Import procedure
- Export procedure
- Print procedure
- Tabulate procedure
- Report procedure
- Means procedure
- Summary procedure
- Freq procedure
Generating Data with DO Loops
- Constructing DO Loops
- Introduction to Constructing DO Loops
- DO Loop Execution
- Counting Iterations of DO Loops
- Decrementing DO Loops
- Nesting DO Loops
- Iteratively Processing Data That Is Read from a Data Set
- Conditionally Executing DO Loops
- Using Conditional Clauses with the Iterative DO Statement
- Creating Samples
Processing Variables with Arrays
- Creating One-Dimensional Arrays
- Understanding SAS Arrays
- Defining an Array
- Variable Lists as Array Elements
- Referencing Elements of an Array
- Compilation and Execution
- Using the DIM Function in an Iterative DO Statement
- Creating Variables in an ARRAY Statement
- Creating Temporary Array Elements
Analytics-An Introduction
- What is Business Analytics
- Difference between Analytics and Analysis
- Importance of Analytics in Industry
- Application of Analytics in Industry
- Learning and the growth curve of Analytics
- Puzzle
- Interview Preparation
Data and Variables-An introduction
- What is Statististics
- What is an Average- Mean Median Mode
- Different types of Data and variables
- Basic Statistical Measures
- Puzzle
- Quiz
- Coding-An Introduction
- Dependent and Independent Variable
Population and Sample-Sampling techniques
- Why do we need sample over a population
- Difference between population and sample
- Sampling Techniques
- Simple Random Sampling
- Stratified Random Sampling
- Sampling with and without replacement
- Puzzle
- Assignment
Normal Distribution & Central Limit Theorem
- Introduction to Bell Curve
- Deviation Vs Standard Deviation
- Variance and Standard deviation
- Outliers and their effects on basic statistical measures
- Symmetric and Asymmetric curve
- Bell Curve-Emperical Rule–Grading process
- Quiz
Exploratory data Analysis
- Univariate anlysis vs Bivariate analysis Vs Multivariate analysis
- Decile, Percentile,Vintile,Quartile,Quantile
- Proc Univarite- Details
- Moments , Basis Statistical Measures, Test for Location, Quantiles , Extreme Observation
- Assignment
- Puzzle
Data Visualization
- Box and whiskers plot
- Ranking Algorithm-Proc Rank in detail
- Outlier- Detection Removal Treatment
- Missing values- How critical are they to a data
- Missing value Removal and imputation
- Proc for missing value Treatment
Hypothesis Testing
- Hypothests testing – What does that mean
- What is Hypothesis and what we do we test
- Null Hypothesis and Alternate Hypothesis
- Significanace level and Confidence level- P value and α value
- Decision making- Reject/Fail to Reject Null Hypothesis
- Confidence Interval
- Accuracy and Error
- Type I Error and Type II Error
Campaign Management
- Test and Control group
- Solicit and Non Solicit
- Responder and Non Responder
- Targets and Non Targets
- Measuring Cost/Revenue/Profit of a campaign
- 2*2 profit/revenue contingency matrixActual Vs predicted conflicts
- Accuracy Error Sensitivity Specificity
- Puzzle
- Interview preparation
One Sample T-Test
- One Sample T-test- What is the hypothsis for this test
- One Sample T Test using proc ttest
- One Sample T Test using proc univariate
- Sides of a test- One sample- two sided, Upper tail, lower tail
- How to apply T-test to the data
- How will this help in making a decision
- Graphical interpretation of T test
- Puzzle
- Assignment
- Assumptions to a 1 sample T Test
Two sample T-tests & Sides of a test
- Difference between a one-sample and a two-sample T-Test
- Hypothesis for a T Test
- Proc T-Test for 2 sample T Test
- Understanding the results from the statistical point of view
- Plotting the graph for visualizing the T-Test
- Sides of 2 sample T Test-2 sided, Lower tail and upper tail
- Application of 2 Sample T Test
- Puzzle
- Quiz
- Assumptions to 2 sample T-Test
ANOVA-Analysis of Variance
- Why do we need Anova
- Why can’t we use a 3 Sample T Test
- Hypothesis Testing for Anova
- Assumptions to Anova
- 1 way Anova vs N Way Anova
- Performing 2 sample T test using Anova
- Coefficient of determination
- Degree of Freedom
- Levenes Test and F test
- Interaction – Type 1 and Type III SS
- Balanced Vs Unbalanced design
- Proc Anova
- Proc GLM
- Puzzle
- Interview Preparation
Anova-Post Hoc Analysis Test
- Why apply Post-hoc Test when applying Anova
- Controlled Design experiment
- Experimental Error Rate
- Multiple Comparison Test
- Referential comparison
- Tukey and Dunnett Test- Sides of a test
- Diffogram and Control Plot
- Means Vs LS Means
- Puzzle
- Mock Test
Correlation-Different types
- What is Correlation
- Why do need correlation analysis in any other analysis
- How to measure correlation
- Pearson and Spearman Correlation
- Correlation-Hypothesis Test
- Proc Corr
- Correlation Matrix
- Correlation-graphical representation and Interpretation
- Puzzle
- Case Study
Regression -Exploring the algorithm
- Simple Linear Regression and Multiple Linear Regression
- Regression-Hypothesis Testing
- Degree of Freedom
- Anova table for Regression
- What is the Ordinary least square
- Parameter Estimate and Intercept
- Significant and Non Significant Variables
- Removing Redundancy
- Collinearity- VIF
- Puzzle
- Assignment-Discussion
Regression – Model Building
- Regression- Model Building
- R square and adjusted R square
- 2-way honest assessment
- 3-way honest assessment
- How to split Training Validation Test
- Oversampling Undersampling Overfitting Underfitting
- Model Selection techniques
- variable selection techniques
- Model building Vs Model Fitting
- Model fit statistics
- Puzzle
- Mock Test
Logistic Regression-Introduction
- Logistic Regression-An Introduction
- Logistic Regression-Need and the necessity
- Why cant we apply regression everywhere
- Algorithm to Logistic Regression
- Asssumption to Logistic Regression
- Checking the linearity amongst variables
- Checking for collinearity
- Removing Non Linearity
- Removing Non Linearity
- Logistic Regression- Hypothesis testing
Predictive modeling using Logistic Regression
- What are the odds ratio
- Odds ratio vs probability
- Log odds
- log Vs Natural Log
- Complete separation Vs Quasi Complete Separation
- Data Convergence
- Fischer’s Technique
- Creating and identifying the dependent variable
- Data preparation for the model building process
Logistic Regression-Model Building
- Sampling data for Training Validation Test
- Fine-tuning Assessment and final assessment
- Out-of-sample validation
- Out-of-time validation
- Variable transformation
- Variable reduction techniques
- Variable clusting techniques
- Identifying Collinearity amongst variables
- Interpretation of Results
Logistic Regression-Measure model performance
- Cumulative Lift Chart
- Cumulative Gain Chart
- Relative operating characteristics
- Area under the curve
- Model fit statistics
- validation statistics
- Variable selection techniques
- Significant and nonsignificant variables
- Identifying the best variables for a model
Logistic Regression-Industry view and applications
- Model selection techniques
- Parameter estimate and Intercept
- % Concordant, %Discordant, %ties pairs
- Calculatig C value from the statistics
- Puzzle
- Interview Preparation
- Case study
- Comparing training and validation statistics
SAS SQL 1: Essentials
- Introducing the Structured Query Language
- Overview of the SQL procedure
- Specifying columns
- Specifying rows
- Displaying Query Results
- Presenting data
- Summarizing data
SQL Joins
- Introduction to SQL joins
- Inner joins
- Outer joins
- Complex SQL joins
- Noncorrelated subqueries
- In-line views
Set Operators
- Introduction to set operators
- Union operator
- Outer Union operator
- Except operator
- Intersect operator
Creating Tables and Views
- Creating tables with the SQL procedure
- Creating views with the SQL procedure
Advanced PROC SQL Features
- Dictionary tables and views
- Using SQL procedure options
- Interfacing PROC SQL with the macro language
SAS Macro Language
- Introduction
- Getting Familiar to the macro facility
Macro Variables
- Introduction to macro variables
- Automatic macro variables
- Macro variable references
- User-defined macro variables
- Delimiting macro variable references
- Macro functions
Macro Definitions
- Defining and calling a macro
- Macro parameters
DATA Step and SQL Interfaces
- Creating macro variables in the DATA step
- Indirect references to macro variables
- Creating macro variables in SQL
Macro Programs
- Conditional processing
- Parameter validation
- Iterative processing
- Global and local symbol tables
Advanced SAS Programming Techniques
- Measuring Efficiencies
Controlling I/O Processing and Memory
- SAS Data step processing
- Controlling I/O
- Using SAS views
- Reducing the length of numeric variables
- Compressing SAS data sets
Accessing Observations
- Creating a sample data set
- Creating an index
- Using an index
Using DATA Step Arrays
- Introduction to lookup techniques
- Using one-dimensional arrays
- Using multidimensional arrays
- Loading a multidimensional array from a SAS data set
Using DATA Step Hash and Hiter Objects
- Introduction
- Using hash object methods
- Loading a hash object with data from a SAS data set
- Using the DATA step hiter object
Combining Data HorizontallyDATA step merges and SQL procedure joinsUsing an index to combine dataCombining summary and detail dataCombining data conditionally
Expert Programmer TechniquesCreating user-defined functionsThe experts’ FORMAT procedure
Understanding the R environment:Setting up the machine and installing RSetting up the R environment for the smooth usage of RUnderstanding the various IDEs for R developmentInstallation/Removal of packages
Importing raw dataReading csv files into RReading json files into RReading txt files into RReading sas7bdat files into R
Data structuresUnderstanding homogenous and hetrogenous form atomic vectors in R including Dataframes, List, Vectors, Factors and Matrices in RAtomic vectors in RDataframes, List, VectorsFactors and Matrices in R
Style GuideCoding standards-Know HowNotation and NamingFilenamesObject namesSyntaxCurly BracesSpacingLine lengthIndentationAssignmentCommenting Guidelines
Loops and vectorizationWriting For and while loops in RUnderstanding if loops are really a necessary in RUnderstand the apply family in R
Functions and conditionalsWriting functions in RUnderstanding if…then…else in RUndersanding pure functions in R and understanding the purrr package in R
summarizationUnderstand the meaning of clusteringHierarchial clustering in RK means clustering in R
GLM FamilyLinear regression in RMulticollinearity and calcualtion of VIFRoot mean squared error, t statistic, pvalue and confidence intervalLogistic regression in RRoC, TPR, Lift, Gain and KS statistic in RInterpreting the Linear and logistic ModelUnderstanding ridge and lasso in linear and logistic model
Decision TreesDecision Trees in RUnderstanding Ginni IndexKnowing the difference between CART and CHAIDWorking with Random Forest
Optimization in RWhat is optimization?Working with opimiztion packages in R (e.g Optimx)Constrained optimisation ( Lagrange multipliers )
Bonus TopicBasics of GGPLOT2Scatterplots in RHistograms and density plots in RUnderstanding basics of “Grammer of Graphics” concept
Introduction to MLWhat is LearningComponents of learningA simple learning modelTypes of LearningWhat is machine learningApplication of ML
Getting started with PythonWhat is PythonOrigins and versions of PythonWays to run a Python programSetting up Python environmentBasic file operations with PythonBasic data operations with PythonBasic data visualization with PythonHands on with Python
Process in any MLBasic process flow of any machine learningTerminologies used in MLEvaluation metrics used in MLComparison of ML and Statistical learning
RegressionSimple Linear RegressionMultiple Linear RegressionConsideration in RegressionAccessing the accuracy of Coefficient estimatesAccessing the accuracy of ModelFun example and workshop!
ClassificationAn overview of classificationWhy not linear regressionLogistic ModelLinear discriminant AnalysisComparing classificationFun example and workshop!
Support Vector machinesIntroductionGeneral conceptsComponents of SVMRelationship with Logistic regressionFun example and workshop!
Decision TreesIntroductionBasics of a treeClassification with treesAdvantages / disadvantages of tree
Random ForestIntroductionHow Random forest worksDifferent parameters in RFFun example and workshop!
Gradient boosting machinesIntroductionHow GBM worksDifferent parameters in GBMFun example and workshop!
ClusteringIntroductionK- Means clusteringHierarchical ClusteringPractical issues in clustering
Natural Language processingGeneral text processingTokenizingStop wordStemmingPOS taggingChunking/chinkingLemmatizingCorporaBuilding text only modelsFun example and workshop!
Neural NetworkIntroductionImportant concepts in NNBuilding NN for classificationFun example and workshop!
Solving live problems using what we have learnedBuilding a recommender SystemBuilding a sales prediction modelRetrieving twitter feeds and sentiment analysis
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